Afterschool Club
Our out-of-school care runs from 3.30- 5pm on Mondays- Thursdays and 12:30- 3pm on Fridays during the school term.
School-aged children can also attend Fàs Mòr 9:00am-5pm during school holidays and in-service days.
We provide the children with a snack when they arrive after school.
Children should bring a packed lunch during school holidays and on Fridays for afterschool.
£7 for each session Monday- Thursday 3:30-5pm
£10 for Friday Afternoon 12:30-3pm
Day-Care fees apply for School Holidays

Fàs Mòr is registered with the SCSWIS, the registration and inspection body for children and young people’s services in Scotland, registration number SC2003052372. Registered as a charity in Scotland, SC036011 and company limited by guarantee Company No SC263270
Designed by GRAFICANNA
© Fas Mor 2021