About Us
Fàs Mòr was established in 2003 by a group of dedicated parents in Sleat in response to the demand for local childcare provision, and who recognised the benefits of offering this provision through the medium of Gaelic.
We offer a warm welcome to all children, parents and carers and to any families visiting the area. We care for children from birth to twelve years old and offer after school club during term-time as well as holiday club during school holidays.
Fàs Mòr is governed by a voluntary Board of Directors with a mixed representation of parents, members of the community and Sabhal Mòr Ostaig

Fàs Mòr will provide a safe, permanent enviroment to benefit children and young people who both reside in and visit the South Skye and Lochalse area. Our mission is to promote the welfare, further the health and advance the education of children aged twelve and under, with qualified, registered care, and in a relaxed and stimulating enviroment, through the medium of Gaelic.
We are a non-profit making organisation, registered as a charity in Scotland, number SC036011, The fees that parents/carers pay provide the salaries and running costs of the facility.
Fàs Mòr is registered with the SCSWIS, the registration and inspection body for children and young people’s services in

Fàs Mòr is registered with the SCSWIS, the registration and inspection body for children and young people’s services in Scotland, registration number SC2003052372. Registered as a charity in Scotland, SC036011 and company limited by guarantee Company No SC263270
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© Fas Mor 2021